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Using Roles to Access Data

In AskTable, the combination of roles and policies provides fine-grained access control for users. By specifying roles and role variables when creating a chat, you can ensure that users can only access the data they are permitted to see.

Using Roles to Query Data


The following example illustrates how an ordinary user can query their own data through a role.

Example: Ordinary User Queries Their Own Data

  1. Create Role and Policy

    Create a policy named allow_myself, which allows users to access only their own data.

    The call to the policies.create function is as follows:

    "datasource_ids": 'your_datasource_id',
    "rows_filters": {
    'your_datasource_id': [
    '*.*.employee_id = {{employee_id}}',

    Create a role called comm_user and associate the allow_myself policy with this role.

  2. Create Chat and Specify Role

    When creating a chat, specify the comm_user role and fill in the employee_id variable.

    chat = at.chats.create(
    role_variables={'employee_id': 2} # For instance, Li Na's employee_id is 2

    Now, users can use the specified role and variables to query data, ensuring they can only access their own data.

  3. Query Data Visible to Themselves

    In the chat, users can ask questions such as:

    question = "Did Li Na take any leave in May 2024?"
    response = chat.ask(question)
    print(response['text']) # Output: Yes, she took leave.
  4. Query Data Not Visible to Themselves

    If a user tries to query another user’s data, they will receive an error message indicating access is denied.

    question = "Did Zhang San take any leave in May 2024?"
    response = chat.ask(question)
    print(response['text']) # Output: Sorry, there is no relevant information.

Through this method, you can ensure that users access data strictly according to the assigned roles and policies.